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“传承红色基因,争做时代新人” ——商务外语沙龙走进延安新村社区

发布日期:2021-05-06 10:55访问次数: 信息来源:浙江商务微信公众号


Learning history makes men wise, foreseeing the future by reviewing the past.

4月30日下午,商务外语沙龙“传承红色基因,争做时代新人”党史学习专场走进延安新村社区,沙龙特邀原商务厅副厅长、巡视员邬建荣做专题讲座。厅机关党委、人事处、外联处负责人以及厅机关及事业单位青年干部、国贸集团、延安新村社区外语爱好者40 余人参加交流。

On the afternoon of April 30, the Biz English Salon focusing on CPC history learning made its debut in  Yan 'an Xincun community. The salon invited Wu Jianrong, former Inspector and Deputy Director General of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce, to deliver a special lecture. Also present on the scene were 40 young cadres and English fans, from the Department of Commerce, Zhejiang International Trade Group and Yan'an Xincun Community. 


The video  "Learn CPC History with Paintings" kicked off the activity, with stories in light and shadow vividly presenting the Party’s centenary endeavor. The enormous social changes and brilliant achievements made by the Party through arduous struggle struck a chord with each one present.

邬建荣从英语学习、菜名翻译、外事礼仪等角度出发,结合驻外工作实践、国家领导人外事接待经历、亲历的外经贸发展史等,谈自身体会,寄语商务青年。邬建荣指出,与世界各国开展交流合作,推动商务事业不断向前发展,Foreign language is an important tool。学外语要有扎实的语言基础,要有较广的知识面,要形成良好的学习习惯。Good, Better, Best, Never let it rest。邬建荣强调,商务青年不仅要学好英语,更要以党史学习教育为契机,志存高远、增长才干,讲政治、强党性,为国家和社会、为商务事业高质量发展多做奉献。讲座内容丰富,深入浅出,为在座青年学习感悟改革力量,砥砺信仰初心,上了生动一课。




History is the best teacher. Young people on the scene said that "CPC history" is a compulsory course and we should  make progress through constant learning, thinking and understanding, and draw strength from CPC history. Each shall act on the CPC’s original aspiration and founding missions, thus contributing to the high-quality development of Zhejiang's economy


Today's salon combined CPC history learning with English, went over the glorious journey of the founding of the CPC, and the reform and opening up of foreign trade in Zhejiang Province. While popularizing knowledge, it carried forward the red culture, aroused people’s deep desires to "learn the Party’s history, understand its theories, do practical work and make new advances", and galvanized people to  take part in commerce development with more confidence and full enthusiasm.


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