浙江省各市简介-湖州 |
湖州 历史文化悠久,资源禀赋充沛。湖州地处太湖南岸,因湖得名,是一座具有2300多年历史的江南古城,现辖吴兴、南浔两区和德清、长兴、安吉三县,总面积5818平方公里,人口264万。湖州山水清丽,生态优美,拥有南浔古镇、大竹海、裸心谷等知名景区,为“绿水青山就是金山银山理论”的诞生地,是全国首个地市级生态文明先行示范区,并先后获得中国投资环境百佳城市、中国最幸福十大城市等诸多荣誉称号。 区位优势明显,交通体系发达。湖州是沪宁杭三大城市的共同腹地,具备现代化的交通网络,杭宁、商合杭、沪苏湖三条高铁及申苏浙皖、杭宁、申嘉湖三条高速交汇穿过,毗邻浦东、虹桥、禄口、萧山四大机场,拥有长湖申黄金航道,通江达海。 产业特色鲜明,经济实力雄厚。湖州坚定不移实施“生态立市、工业强市、产业兴市、开放活市”战略,2015年人均GDP达79000元,已初步形成了休闲旅游、绿色家居、智能电梯、新能源、生物医药等产业集群,将加快发展信息经济、高端装备、健康产业、休闲旅游四大重点主导产业,改造提升金属新材、绿色家居、现代纺织三大传统优势产业,积极培育地理信息、新能源汽车等若干引领发展的新增长点,打造“4+3+N”产业新体系。
Huzhou City boasts a long history and colorful culture, abundant in natural resources. Huzhou City is located on the southern bank of Taihu Lake and was named after the vast lake. Huzhou is an ancient city with a history of more than 2,300 years. Now Huzhou Municipality has jurisdiction over Wuxing, Nanxun two districts and Deqing, Changxing, Anji three counties, covering an area of 5,818 km2 with a population of 2.64 million. Huzhou enjoys picturesque landscape and beautiful environment. There are a number of famous tourist destinations in Huzhou, such as Nanxun Ancient Town, Great Bamboo Sea in Anji, Naked Retreats in Deqing. It is the birthplace of the famous judgment that clean water and green mountains are the biggest treasures. Huzhou is the exclusive prefecture-level demonstration zone for conservation culture in China as well. Many honor titles, the Hundred Best Chinese City with the Favored Investment Environment and the Ten Happiest Chinese City etc, have been awarded to Huzhou City.
Huzhou City boasts unique location advantages and well-developed transportation system. Huzhou is known as the common hinterland of Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou three big cities and is served by the modern traffic network. Three high speed railways and three expressways all cross through Huzhou City. Huzhou also neighbors Shanghai Pudong, Shanghai Hongqiao, Nanjing Lukou and Hanghzou Xiaoshan four international airports. The golden waterway from Changxing via Huzhou can reach Shanghai and gain access to the sea.
Huzhou City boasts featured industries and strong economic strengths. Huzhou City firmly implements the strategies that ecology, industry and opening up play a dominant role in the progress of the city. The per capita GDP in 2015 stood at 79,000 yuan. The industrial clusters of tourism, green home furnishing, elevators, new energy and biopharmaceutical sector etc, have been taken shape primarily in Huzhou. Huzhou City gives priority to develop the four leading industries - information economy, high-end equipment manufacturing, health industry and tourism, reforms and upgrade three traditional advantage industries – metallic materials, green home furnishing, textiles and apparels, and takes initiatives to cultivate new economic growth points such as geo-information, new energy automobile etc. A new industrial pattern called 4 + 3 +N for short will be formed in the near future in Huzhou. |
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